INCtouch latest offering to companies from all scales. The OA App, aka "Office Assistance" app, is for the daily needs by each staff. From attendance taking/punch card, applying leaves, claiming fares/purchases, to assigning tasks to the team, writing reports to their superior, as well as sending emails through our OA app.
Our goal at INCtouch was to provide convenience to the company staff by going digital, paperless solutions, rather compares to the conventional means for day-to-day operations to function.
We at INCtouch understand the current trend where every employee holds at least 1 smartphone, which provides numerous possibilities to live a more productive lifestyle. As such, to tap on the benefits on smartphones, we strongly believe our OA app will greatly improves companies in terms of people's operation/management sector.
Furthermore, we also provides analytical sections for HR/Admin to analyse their staff's work behavior. Such as leave taking reports, claim reports, and late attendance reports.
Let us together with your company embark a new journey to the world of digital paperless Office Assistance, regards.